MAST Mayflower Studios

This is one of our Partner Venues with several events being held here including the BSL Film Night, Inclusive Practices Reception, BSL Exercise class and the BSL Comedy Night. The studios are a gorgeous building with great lighting and BSL signer friendly wide corridors and open spaces.

The MAST Mayflower Studios are organising ticket sales for us for our events that are being hosted there. You can find details of the events either by looking at our Event Programme or by looking at their website:

There is also a BSL Comedy Night with our very own Patron, Gavin Lilley. Please book your tickets directly with MAST Mayflower for what promises to be, a brilliant evening. The performance will be fully voiced over with interpreters and so whether you’re Deaf or not, this event is open and accessible to all.

Please go ahead and purchase your tickets and we’ll see you there!

As always, if you do have any further questions on tickets, events or anything relating to the Southampton event, please do contact us by using our Contact Form.

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