
Barry Avison

Barry Avison – Chair of the Trustees

I’m supposed to be retired!

After a lifetime of involvement in the Arts and Creative Industries, I have been inspired by people who put BSL into the limelight. Be it Shakespeare in the Globe Theatre, London or featuring on national television, I am well aware that these moments need to be followed up.

As a Vice Chair of a regional Deaf charity and a qualified accountant working with another charity before I retired, I could say I know something about Charity Laws and Governance and that’s my role with BSL Celebration. We are literally a team with diverse expertise and skills.

Like I said, I’m supposed to be retired, but I am on the Board of Trustees with DaDaFest (Disability and Deaf arts Festival). I volunteered when Liverpool hosted the Eurovision Song Contest and the Open Golf Championship at Royal Liverpool in 2023. I am involved in my village’s summer carnival. I am also involved in helping to set up a Deaf Festival in Newcastle.

Is that all? … Oh? … One more thing, I am a police volunteer on the Speed Watch. I have a speed gun!

Kathleen Grehan

Kathleen Grehan – Trustee

I am delighted to have recently been asked to serve as a BSLC Trustee. I greatly admire the effort BSLC puts into organising the BSL Fest, which is entirely free for everyone.

The first BSL Fest took place in Woking, followed by events in Fleet, Guildford, and Manchester. I am particularly passionate about BSLC’s mission to bridge the gap between Hearing and Deaf communities through communication in British Sign Language across the UK. I look forward to fostering more external partnerships, both Hearing and Deaf, to get involved in future BSL Fests.

In my spare time, I love dedicating myself to yoga, attending one-on-one sessions with a Deaf teacher three times a week. Additionally, I participate in a Deaf yoga class once a week. I cherish spending time with my friends, enjoying chats, meals, and walks in the countryside.

Sam Egerton-Kemp

Sam Egerton-Kemp – Trustee

I am proud and privileged to be a Trustee for BSLC. It’s a charity which is strongly linked to my second language, BSL (British Sign Language).

Attending the first BSL Fest in Woking 2022, it blew my mind with how strong the Deaf community came together and showcased BSL to the general public.

Being part of BSLC since then has been a real honour and working with fantastic people across all backgrounds has given me some great experience and knowledge.

For hobbies, I love baking (I am a pastry chef, professionally) and love walking with my assistance dog cockapoo, Rosie. I also love going to the beach and I am also a great computer/tech whiz!

Sammi Smith – Trustee

I am honoured to be a part of BSL Celebration by serving as a Trustee. This is my first role as a Trustee and I am loving learning and using my skills for a new purpose.

During sixth form, I took up evening BSL classes to try something new and from week one I was hooked! Learning this incredible language, and of the beautiful community who use it, I felt like I had gained a superpower and its no exaggeration to say that my life changed in those classes. I went on study BSL and Deaf Studies at UCLan in Preston, followed by level 6 interpreter training, qualifying as RSLI in 2018.

I feel privileged to work alongside many Deaf professionals in my career connecting skilled Deaf and Hearing people who are doing amazing work, including at BSL Fests! I hope the work of BSL Celebration will show more Hearing people the talent, joy and diversity within the Deaf community and encourage them to learn BSL, leaving a legacy of more accessible towns/cities for the benefit of all.

Outside of work you will mostly find me with my one year old, Jesse, and, with another little one on the way, I don’t see that changing any time soon! When I’m less tired, I enjoy roller skating, reading a good book and getting into conversations about the big things in life.

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